November 23-30, save up to 50 percent on select products during our week-long Online Extravaganza! To make it even better, there will be flash sales that last 24 hours on November 23 and November 30, the first and last days of Online Extravaganza. But remember: Online Extravaganza savings are only available while supplies last, so get them while you can!
See here for the list of Savings – Online Extravaganza Deals
Monday November 23rd Only
Choose 3 same or different Designer Series Paper and get the 4th one FREE!! What is your favorite? Share in the comment section. Always a great time to stock up and wonderful to use for ONE SHEET Wonder Cards.
Your chance to get Past Paper Pumpkin Kits or refills weather you are a subscriber or not what a deal to give it a try and see if you like. Kit contains the stamp set/ink spot, Refill contains the paper products. What one will you try?
These are available while supplies last November 23rd-30th when click the photo you will be taken to my online store!
Wahoo! What a collection of products on sale! Here you can see the actual items on sale above is a list print out and mark your favorites to be sure to add to your collection.
Any questions let me know. Any issues getting your order in let me know as well. I’m sure with everyone getting their order we will may have an issue.
REMEMBER- My Pay It Forward Program All sales between now and December 12th will benefit a family in need this holiday season. You may nominate a family with Hostessing your own party, collecting $100 or more in orders or place a $100 order or more.
My Open house Celebration is December 12th – Mark your calendar now between 10-4 pm. You are invited but please RSVP by Dec 7th.
All orders of $50 or more before tax and shipping will receive a FREE TUTORIAL Spend $150 get three. Use the hostess code only if your order before tax is below $150.
These include a PDF file and a Video to watch anytime even in PJ’s
Happy Holidays!