Through August 31, 2013, new Paper Pumpkin subscribers can use the promo code PUMPKINDEAL to join Paper Pumpkin for only $10 a month for the first two months!* know that after you receive two months’ worth of Paper Pumpkin kits, the price for future kits will go back to the regular price: $19.95 which includes shipping.
To receive August Paper Pumpkin Kit you must sign up by August 10th otherwise when signing up 11-31st your Paper Pumpkin Kit will begin in September.
“Have you ever wanted to stamp with friends but didn’t have time to prep? Paper Pumpkin does everything for you!”
“The awesome products that come in Paper Pumpkin are exclusive each month—so don’t miss it next month!”
Click photo and get started now! Remember promo code PUMPKINDEAL to receive 2 months for price of 1 at any given month you can skip a given month to fit your schedule. All new subscribers signing up under me as their demonstrator and signing up by August 31st will be entered for a bonus.
Any questions please let me know.
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